MIE Personal Data Ram
Measure mass concentrations of dust, smoke, mists and fumes in real-time with the Thermo Scientific™ personal DataRAM™ pDR-1000AN. This palm-sized aerosol monitor/datalogger sounds an audible alarm whenever the user-defined level is exceeded.
Additional Information:
- Light-scattering photometer offers high correlation with gravimetric measurement of respirable and thoracic fractions with optimal response to 0.1-10μm size particles
- Datalogger automatically tags and time stamps data collected and stores it for subsequent retrieval, printing, or graphing through a PC
- No moving parts means silent operation and minimal maintenance costs
- Unit is gravimetrically calibrated in mg/m3 and is ready to use after easy zeroing step (kit included)
- Internal firmware controls automatic calibration check; gravimetric calibration can be performed in the field for maximum efficiency
Recommended for:
- Indoor air quality monitoring
- Walk-through surveys
- Personal exposure monitoring
- Time & motion studies
- Workplace & plant monitoring
- Remediation personal surveillance
- Mobile monitoring in vehicles & aircraft
- Toxicology & epidemiology studies
- Emergency response
- Testing air filtration efficiency